It’s that time of year again, when we all have the best of intentions and set out to make ourselves better in the New Year. But why is it that most of the time our resolutions fall flat and we end up quitting before we ever gave them a chance? Is it you? Is it the resolution? Is it a combination of both? Unfortunately, the answer is yes to all three.
So what are the most common pitfalls? Why do most resolutions fail? The answer to those questions tends to be a combination of things, and it all depends on what your resolution is. Let’s take a look at two of the most common New Year’s Resolutions and see what makes them fail and what we can do to help them succeed.
New Year’s Resolution #1: I want to get back into shape.
It’s one of the most common resolutions. You have put on a few holiday pounds and you want to get yourself back to the weight you were when you were young. We all dream about fitting into old clothes, or making that ex jealous the next time we run into them. You started out great. You went and got a gym membership and you think to yourself, “If I am paying to go to the gym, I will go because I can’t afford not to.” Most gym managers will tell you that their busy season is December through February. So where are all those members in the months that follow? The answer is that they are no longer going to the gym – and here are a few reasons why.
Reason #1: My body wasn’t ready and I got hurt.
One of our most common excuses for quitting this resolution tends to be that we get injured and never return. How do you prevent an injury? Well, there are two ways to do this; get a personal trainer to make sure you are doing the exercises properly, and see a doctor for a check-up before you begin. Your physician can do simple tests to make sure you are in the correct state of health and body balance to begin exercising, so you can safely reach the goals you have set for yourself. Your physician and trainer can also help you with the nutritional component of how to reach your goals. Chiropractors see patients on a daily basis who need help healing from injuries and preventing new injuries. Getting a chiropractic adjustment is an important way to make sure your joints and posture are in balance to prevent injury when beginning your workout.
Reason #2: It is taking too long to see the changes I want.
Why is it taking so long? You have most likely set unreasonable goals for yourself. Remember how long it took to put on that extra 20-40 pounds? It didn’t appear overnight and it will not come off overnight (Not even if you go on The Biggest Loser). Set smaller, more realistic goals that are attainable in a shorter period. This will help you break down the process into manageable steps over time. You will be able to reach your goals quicker and feel more success in what you are doing. Working with a physician and a trainer can help you to determine what is healthy and realistic for your body type and level of health. Each time that you reach your goal, continue to set a new one, and this will keep you going longer.
Reason #3: I just don’t have time to go anymore.
This is all about accountability. You think that you will be accountable because you are paying, but that never ends up being enough. You need to have a person that can keep you accountable. Tell someone what you are doing so you have someone to talk to about your successes and obstacles. No one wants to look like they are failing in the eyes of someone else. If you have a person to whom you must stay accountable, you are more likely to keep going and reach your goals.
New Year’s Resolution #2: I want to stop smoking.
Why is it so hard to quit? In addition to the characteristics of physical addiction that make it so difficult to quit, smoking is extremely hard to kick because it becomes a psychological habit ingrained in the daily life of the smoker. When a patient comes into my office and says they want to stop smoking, one of the first things I tell them is, “You have to be doing this FOR YOU.” You cannot be quitting for someone else, no matter how much you love them, because if you are, there is a much higher likelihood that you will fail. You have to do much more than just remove the addictive substance from your life; you have to change your habits and replace them with new, positive habits wherever possible. You have to reprogram your life and the way you do things, or you will fall right back into the old habits that supported your addiction. This often includes examining the daily triggers to your smoking. Triggers could include a specific place, time of day, group of people, or your reaction to a particular set of stressors.
As with the last resolution, accountability matters. If you tell someone what you are doing, and are honest about your progress, you will be more likely to succeed. That person can also help keep you on the right track when it looks as if you are beginning to steer the wrong way. A little hint: pick someone you have trouble saying no to and whom you love and respect. This will come in very handy if you get angry with them for telling you something you don’t want to hear.
Acupuncture is another great way to help give you the edge you need to stop smoking. There is no magic button to press that will guarantee you are successful. However, getting all the help you can to stave off cravings greatly increases your chances of quitting permanently, and as many studies have shown, extending your life as a result.
As with the last resolution, accountability matters. If you tell someone what you are doing, and are honest about your progress, you will be more likely to succeed. That person can also help keep you on the right track when it looks as if you are beginning to steer the wrong way. A little hint: pick someone you have trouble saying no to and whom you love and respect. This will come in very handy if you get angry with them for telling you something you don’t want to hear.
Acupuncture is another great way to help give you the edge you need to stop smoking. There is no magic button to press that will guarantee you are successful. However, getting all the help you can to stave off cravings greatly increases your chances of quitting permanently, and as many studies have shown, extending your life as a result.
Changing your life is difficult to do, but following the guidelines above can help you to be successful. Be kind to yourself and understand that it takes more than “willpower” to change the daily activities, thought patterns, and automatic reactions that keep you stuck in unhealthy habits. Work with a support system and develop a plan with them for overcoming roadblocks. Take your time, give yourself attainable goals, and focus on accountability, and you will reach your goals in no time! Know that you aren’t alone and there are people out there to help. Have a GREAT NEW YEAR!